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All results for "Humerus (left)", 506 images and no audio tracks.

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  1. 5-7 The left humerus seen from the front or volar (palmar) side.
  2. 5-6 The left humerus (os brachii), is seen from the posterior or dorsal surface.
  3. File:Human left humerus - anterior view - muscles
  4. Left humerus with subtle signs of myeloma
  5. Left humerus with myeloma
  6. File:Elife-24232-fig16-v1 U.W. 102a-257 left proximal humerus fragment
  7. File:Olorotitan arharensis Godefroit, Bolotsky & Alifanov, 2003 (holotype AEHM 2-845). Left humerus in cranial (left), caudal (middle) and lateral views. Upper Cretaceous of Kundur, Russia
  8. Protoceratops ZPAL MgD-II 3 left humerus
  9. Lambeosaurinae indet. (left humerus)
  10. Humerus Left 01
  11. Left Humerus
  12. Nothronychus MSM P2117 left humerus
  13. Raccoon humerus, left (VCU_3D_594)
  14. Quetzalcoatlus nothropi Holotype left humerus
  15. Guinea Pig Left Humerus (VCU_3D_3418)
  16. UMNHVP28350 Invictarx Distal Left Humerus
  17. Successful Excision Head Left Humerus
  18. File:Left humerus in cranial (left), caudal (middle) and lateral views. Holotype AEHM 2-845 of Olorotitan arharensis Godefroit, Bolotsky & Alifanov, 2003. Upper Cretaceous of Kundur, Russia
  19. File:Human left humerus - anterior view - muscles Ori Ins
  20. File:Human left humerus - posterior view - muscles Ori Ins

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